Government Should Not Make a Fetish of Faith

7 March, 2008

The British Humanist Association (BHA) has today responded to the Government’s consultation on ‘inter faith’ strategy, ‘Face-to-Face and Side-by-Side. A framework for inter faith dialogue and social action’.

Pepper Harow , who runs the BHA’s Local Development Project, said, ‘There is no doubt that humanists are committed to social action and working with others to create a more cohesive, equal and inclusive society for all. We think it is a real shame that the Government has failed to acknowledge or promote the contributions that non-religious people in the community make to social action or dialogue between different people in the community.’

Ms Harow continued, ‘We do not think a priority focus on religion and religious groups is a useful, legitimate or proportionate one for the Government’s agendas of social cohesion and social action. However, where there are legitimate activities to do with one aspect of social cohesion that engage with religious groups and individuals, we believe that groups and individuals with non-religious beliefs (e.g. humanists) should be engaged with and treated equally as part of the same process – it is obvious that genuinely useful dialogue can only be held in such a context.’


The British Humanist Association (BHA) is the national charity representing and supporting the non-religious and campaigning for an end to religious privilege and discrimination based on religion or belief.

For more comment or information, please contact Pepper Harrow, Local Development Officer, on 020 7462 4992 or here .

Read the BHA’s response to ‘Face-to-Face and Side-by-Side. A framework for inter faith dialogue and social action’ here [Face to Face BHA Response FINAL PDF]