Ending conversion therapy: a panel of diverse voices opposing abuse

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March 28th, 2019 19:30   --   21:00

A dialogue event between LGBT people from different faith and belief backgrounds.

LGBT Humanists have organised a panel discussion where LGBT people with different religions and beliefs will engage in a dialogue in which the central question is ‘can we agree a course of action on conversion therapy?’

The panel speakers have been self-selected as they already agree that conversion therapy is harmful and should be banned. However, the course of action, and questions that stem from it may not have such clear agreement. Questions such as 'what should be the penalties for non-compliance?', 'what if the person actively wants conversion therapy?', 'should we treat conversion therapy as a part of the right to practice one’s religion and if not, why not?', and of course, 'what should we do to make these changes come about?'


Brockway Room
Conway Hall
25 Red Lion Square
London, WC1R 4RL
United Kingdom