Sarah Bridle

Sarah Bridle was made a patron of Humanists UK for their contribution to the greater public understanding of science.

Professor of Food, Climate, and Society

Photo of Sarah Bridle

Professor Sarah Bridle, Chair in Food Climate and Society at the University of York, is a multi-disciplinary researcher driven by the need to tackle climate change, whose work focuses on revolutionising the food system. Sarah's research explores the environmental and nutrition impacts of different dietary options, with the aim of driving changes in food production methods that are healthy for both people and the planet. Sarah's recent work also includes exploring catastrophic food system disruption in the UK. Author of Food and Climate Change - Without the Hot Air, Sarah founded the Take a Bite out of Climate Change project, leads the UKRI Agri-Food for Net Zero Network+ (AFN Network+) and is head of metrics for Fix Our Food

Sarah has a unique combination of expertise including interpreting large data sets using statistical methods, with a degree in natural sciences and a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Cambridge (2000), and positions conducting statistical cosmology research in France (2000-2001), Cambridge (2001-2004), London (2004-2012), and Manchester (2013-2021).  Author of over a hundred refereed publications with over 10,000 citations, Sarah has won prestigious awards including a Royal Society University Research Fellowship and the Royal Astronomical Society's Fowler Award.