August 2014 – some topical issues that humanists might like to take action on:

13 August, 2014

Fracking is once again in the UK news, with fracking given the go-ahead on the beautiful North Yorks moors and a delayed and censored government  report into the effect of shale gas exploration on local  property prices. See The Guardian  for a round-up of recent news and comment on fracking and shale gas.
FoE petition to David Cameron to say no to fracking is just one of many – Google “fracking petition” to find one you prefer or that is local to you.
Is fracking likely anywhere near you? Two maps of possible sites have been published at and

The Middle East
We’re not  sure that anyone in the Middle East will be taking much notice of petitions or anything the UK  government or the UN says – but if you feel  like doing something, here is a selection of current petitions – take your pick:
Amnesty call on the UK government to halt the supply of arms to Israel
Avaaz call for ceasefire
Save the Children petition to UN Secretary General to do all he can to put a permanent ceasefire in place.
Change petition to UK Foreign Secretary for UK to send aid to protect the 40,000 Yazidi’s in Iraq from their fate of potential genocide by ISIS slaughter or starvation.
Avaaz petition to United Nations, US Government, EU, NATO : Save The Yezidis – Stop Yezidis Genocide by ISIS